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28 décembre 2018 5 28 /12 /décembre /2018 10:53

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8 août 2017 2 08 /08 /août /2017 16:55
J'ai célébré très récemment la treizième parution dans la liste des ouvrages publiés depuis l'année 2003, des volumes écrits dans la nécessité de retrouver "les Chemins de l'Aurore" (selon le titre de mon premier roman dont l'action se situe en région picarde.
Il s'agit, en bref de la chronique d'une quête en cohérence, dans l'imbroglio complexe du Monde latin européen, dans l'errance d'un "survivant" dans son amour de la Vie et dans la recherche de liens avec ses pairs et avec ses enfants.
Vous le trouverez sur le site de l'éditeur lillois (France) TheBookEdition.com
Ce volume a connu une suite dans laquelle on retrouve le héros principal, exilé dans un pays hispanophone d'Amérique centrale, c'est mon PACIFICO.
Vous le trouverez en vente en librairie ou sur le site des Éditions PUBLIBOOK (collection Mon Petit Editeur - http://www.monpetitediteur.com
"Dans l'ombre d'un régime fascisant d'Amérique du Sud, un ballet d'âmes perdues, bouffées par leur passé, où l'amitié, l'amour et la mort se conjuguent sur une mélodie douce amère, déchirante. Des tranches de vie touchantes par leur justesse, une galerie de pieds-nickelés. VK fait naître une véritable émotion au cœur d'un no man's land sorti de l'oubli."
Les racines de cette quête se trouvaient déjà dans l'enfance et l'adolescence décrite dans un volume publié sous le titre de "Courte biographie de G.Garcia" (recueil de nouvelles).


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22 juin 2017 4 22 /06 /juin /2017 17:29

13 OUVRAGES PUBLIES entre ROMANS, ESSAIS, RECUEILS chez TheBookEdition.com à Lille ou chez Publibook à Paris

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22 juin 2017 4 22 /06 /juin /2017 17:18

REMARQUABLE INTERVENTION ET COURAGE volontaire pour cette Révolution pacifique à laquelle nous aspirons toutes et tous (même sans toujours en être conscientEs...)

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11 janvier 2016 1 11 /01 /janvier /2016 09:43

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11 janvier 2016 1 11 /01 /janvier /2016 09:42

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11 janvier 2016 1 11 /01 /janvier /2016 09:41

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28 décembre 2015 1 28 /12 /décembre /2015 09:48

Cet article est reposté depuis Justice pour Isabelle.

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9 décembre 2015 3 09 /12 /décembre /2015 10:02

Cet article est reposté depuis Le Blog de Sylvain Rakotoarison.

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23 février 2015 1 23 /02 /février /2015 17:52

"Give us back our dignity!"

Pascal Roucour was abused in a Catholic school.

Roucour Pascal suffers. In her small apartment overlooking the courthouse in Mons, this man of 62 years led a long secret life. He had not done anything bad, just the opposite. In fact, he was ashamed of what he experienced as a child. He thought no one would believe him and he was right and spent so much time. Recently, he has regained confidence in himself. Even decided to fight. Today, goes on the offensive and appeals to all victims of pedophilia in the Church. To join him in the Working Group on Human Rights in the Church (WMK – Hoeilaart, Belgium). Hoping to finally be compensated for the damage ...

"If I bear witness openly, Pascal begins, is to promote the work of the group led by Linda Opdebeeck and priester Rik Devillé. I hope that the Walloon victims (South of Belgium) of the silence of the Catholic Church are encouraged to come forward and claim their rights with courage. This is to enable them to emerge from doubts about themselves, their staff blip of guilt and shame in which bathes its existence. "

Pascal encourages victims to file complaints or to join the collective complaint (Class Action) already made by the firm's attorneys and Van Steebrugge, Vennoten and Müssche (Ghent - Belgium) against the Belgian bishops and the Vatican. "This will allow cell pedophilia of Belgian federal police do their jobs overlap and obtaining evidence for paedophiles track infiltrated into the Church."

If he hopes to help identify pedophiles who have so far gone unpunished, the sexagenarian also intends to fight to "restore the dignity of the victims." For him, this also goes for adequate compensation. An arbitrage tribunal is authorised by the Belgian courts to award compensation to victims of sexual abuse prescribed, committed by priests or religious. One body which will deal solely on the examination of the facts prescribed, since early March. Based at the King Baudouin Foundation and working on the files of the victims, between 23 January and 30 October.

"It's not a handout from 2,500 to 25,000 euros to compensate for a tormented and crushed by silence life that the Church authorities will silence us !!" The man presented a document detailing the information about cares received for health, for a total of 66,220 Euros. "About fifteen sessions of Psychiatry for 100 euros each, a total of 240 consultations of psychologists in an amount of 12,000 euros. To this are added twenty sessions of EMDR or kinesiology (2,000 euros) and the medications I have been taking for thirty years." A set which must be added the doctor visits and back problems (18,720 Euros) and continued school failures.

"I am a survivor of physical and sexual violence by a teacher between 1958 and 1962, at the School of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (Salesians) in Mons (Belgium), Pascal Roucour recalls painfully. At the age of 12 in 1962, when I was in the Jesuit college, I realised that this was not normal and I trust my father and my family doctor experience. They went to the Brothers' school and reported the incident to the principal. He called the teacher who confessed immediately. However, the director had not taken any action and the teacher continued to give classes as usual. My father has not made any complaint : I have forgiven him, because nobody attacked the Church in that time. "

Disturbed, Pascal fail in their schooling. After marrying a Spanish girl, he moved with her to Spain in 1982. "One way to escape, he said. The first months of our sex life was a nightmare, suffering from sexual impotence."

Obsessed by the impunity of his executioner, when Pascal returned to Belgium, he filed a complaint against him, dated August 31, 1998, with the number of registration 37.95.491/98 MO. For a long time without response, the complaint will result in the confessions of A.L., the pedophile. But it is too late to Pascal because the facts are achieved by prescription. "The attorney lied to me and threatened me because I still could have taken a civil action." The man died but Pascal intends to obtain a form of justice by this tribunal of arbitrage.

Newspaper Le Soir (Belgium), Frederic Delepierre 14 .01.2012 childabuse

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